Pacific Garden Mission – Ep. 370 – How Do You Handle Irritating People?

Using Biblical scriptures and wisdom, Pastor Phil teaches how to cope with irritating people we will encounter throughout life.


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Comments 1

  1. 1. Dear friends, I spent more time on your website today than ever before and loved it and am so grateful for all the staff and the guests whose lives have so beautifully and Christianly been changed for the better.
    2. I once wrote a letter to PGM inquiring whether Maisha would be welcome to return to the Mission because her own apartment is too dangerous to live in, and one of your staff, Angel Feliciano, called me and assured me that she would be welcome to return, in part, because PGM’s director of security when she was there before, was no longer there. Well, I guess that said permission never found it’s way to your intake processor Ms. Morene, because when I walked Maisha to the Mission a month or so ago one evening, Ms. Morene told her that she was “restricted,” i.e. not welcome and would have to produce her discharge paper from a hospital where she used to be, which I think is unreasonable. Actually, as Maisha’s power of attorney, I did give Maisha her discharge paper but I failed to make a copy of it, because Maisha now loses just about everything that isn’t stolen from her. This is becuse she has had many injuries to her head, many of them criminal in nature. Maisha told me that Ms. Morene is very competent and devout, but Ms. Morene may still be bearing some ill-will against Maisha because of the latter’s relationship with me who– some years ago– was hasty and ill-advised in my critique of the loss of Maisha’s laptop at PGM, so I recently sent a note with my small donation, (which donation I’ve now resolved to make monthly) in which note apologized for those words and asked the person whose feelings were hurt to forgive me (who I now know was Ms. Morene). I am trying to make sure by this webmail that Ms. Morene receives my sincere apology for what I once said about that loss, which, in any case, wasn’t Ms. Morene’s fault. Please advise whether Ms. Morene has forgiven me. If so, will she please send me an email and tell me so? Perhaps some day I will be privileged to get to know her as the precious Christian sister who I am sure that she is.
    3. As I wrote in my note that accompanied my last small donation, the one day that Maisha spent at the Mission recently included her attending a morning worship gathering that involved a talk and testimonies by an African sister. Maisha was VERY inspired by that presentation and told me that she knew she would be greatly blessed if she could return to the mission for that kind of inspiration, as long as she could then leave out for the day to work with me on securing inhabitable independent housing for herself.
    4. Today I received three letters from PGM two of which were exactly alike, and I was so sorry that you had to spend $.64 (if not actually double that amount considering the third letter) in vain. I believe that your money is much too precious to be going for unnecessary postage!
    5. I just want to mention something that I heard on your website, which said that the Mission is located “in the heart of downtown Chicago.” Excuse me, but I don’t think that that is factual at all. I would say that the “heart of downtown Chicago” would either be the Daley or the Federal Plaza. I hope that you agree.
    6. Finally, how is your R.A.P. program coming? I’ve asked for more R.A.P. cards, but never receive any. Have you decided against the program, or what?
    7. Please know that I think the world of PGM and all its staff, including the great leadership of your current president.

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