Pacific Garden Mission Ep 352 It’s All About Perspective

Pastor Phil teaches about the power of our perspective and how, when faced with unexpected trials or hardship, our perspective can have a significant impact on how we react, overcome, and heal from it.


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Comments 2

  1. So glad I came upon your program tonight. It has been a blessing and an encouragement to me. I am contributing to the ministry to help further the gospel and care for those who need your services.
    God bless PGM

  2. Well then thanks for your beautiful words of encouragement 😊 I understand that your name is Pastor Phil. Your spiritual guts are more evident right now than 2years ago.seems you’re less distracted by administration. That’s the way I heard yor last sermon on “our perspective “.Keep up this most excellent work. I consider you my brother. Born in Chicago in 1948. Married 53 years. Same wonderful woman. Once went crazy 😜 over the issue of law. BIBLICAL LAW. The answer the Lord gave me when I asked “what was that all about?” His only answer at that time was “Grace .” 5kids…all adopted. And praise the Lord Jesus Christ. His mercy is everlasting. Spent around 5mos. In South Dakota asylum Yankton.

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