Pacific Garden Mission Ep 278 How Jesus Deals with Blind Spots (John 9)
We turn our attention to John 9, immediately after Jesus claims to be divine. Remember, this is a blasphemous statement… unless it’s true. Pastor Phil drives home this context before diving into the Pharisees’ reaction. It becomes clear that those who are the spiritual guides and leaders of the land were the most blind to the truth of all!
Jeff’s has been a life of worry, anxiety, insecurity, just like so many of us. He reached a point where he could no longer function or socialize without taking the edge off, whether with drugs or alcohol. It was never sustainable to begin with, but it finally landed him in homelessness and severed his ties with his family. But our God is a redeemer and a restorer and has used PGM to bring Jeff back into right standing and new life!