Pacific Garden Mission Ep 016 Power in the Blood January 31, 2015 Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski gives a sermon about the power of the Blood in the Old Testament and then shows how the ultimate Blood sacrifice was given for us by Jesus Christ. Testimony Topics: Gangs, Crime, Insecurity, Broken Family. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today. You may also like 58:32 Pacific Garden Mission Ep 099 The First Christmas Story w/ Soli Deo Gloria Brass Band 58:32 Pacific Garden Mission Ep 098 Taking off the Mask 58:32 Pacific Garden Mission Ep 097 A New Leaf or a New Life? «1…100101102103104…133»Page 102 of 133