Pacific Garden Mission Ep 141 Turning to Jesus January 5, 2018 Two young men share their testimonies of how they were delivered from pain and rebellion through the power of Jesus Christ. Pastor Phil teaches from Luke Chapter 8 and shares how Jesus’s healing power is waiting for us to turn to Him. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today. You may also like 58.31 Pacific Garden Mission Ep 266 The Final Judgement / Revelation 20 Gospel Message,New Testament,Pastor Phil Revelation 58.31 Pacific Garden Mission Ep 265 The End of Days and the Coming World King/ Daniel 11 Gospel Message,Old Testament Daniel 58.31 Pacific Garden Mission Ep 264 God Always Wins / Daniel 11 Gospel Message,Old Testament,Pastor Phil Daniel «1…4546474849…134»Page 47 of 134