President’s Message

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

As I was walking down the hallway, I met a mother who was about to be reunited with her daughter. I saw the hope and joy in the face of that relieved mother. Her daughter, Nina, faced difficulties and struggled to find her faith while studying in college. She was in debt and decided to find a job, earn some money, and return to college. She did not tell her mother, so she hopped on a train and went to Chicago to look for work. While walking down the street, she saw the Pacific Garden Mission sign and entered. While here, she attended numerous chapel services and was befriended by the women’s staff. She became grateful to the Lord for bringing her here and helping her find Jesus as her only source of hope. Her mother, frantically looking for her, found her here at PGM. I think of Philemon 15: “For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him for ever;” The mother came and took her home, but I can’t but think it was God’s direction that led her here.

Hope, another woman who received help here, left her violent home where her parents fought all the time. She fled for her life and looked for a place of peace. She found that place at PGM and what a joy she has been. She loves the Lord, plays her guitar for worship, and wants to attend Bible school. To leave the security of a home and find Jesus and peace at a shelter is a testament to God’s direction of one’s steps.

These stories tell us there is not just one reason people come here, but I believe all are directed by the hands of a powerful God.

I thank our Lord, and you, our donors, for continuing to keep this old lighthouse burning bright. Many Ninas and Hopes are still wandering our city streets. Thank you for giving so we can serve them and for praying they are directed through these doors.

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