When Sarah Dunn Clark and her husband started Pacific Garden Mission in 1877, she could not know the legacy she was leaving behind.
“PGM–An Oasis and a Refuge”
“I came here broken, a shell of a man, suicidal, not knowing what would take place.”
Bondage Broken! Freedom Found—and Now Shared!
“I vividly remember the day I first walked through the doors of PGM, and the first person I saw was Pastor Phil”
Ernesto's Story
“I needed Pacific Garden Mission at this time in my life . . . and I needed a change.” —Ernesto Reyes
Candice's Story
With Jesus, a heart can be made new in an instant! But for this new beginning to work. . .
Craieasha's Story
As Thanksgiving approaches, we look forward to family time and sharing blessings. . .