Rosemary's Story

After being struck with a debilitating illness Rosemary lost her ability to. . .

Sara's Story

Growing up in a dysfunctional family, Sara lacked the structure and love every. . .

Kalia's Story

Kalia is in our New Life Program at Pacific Garden Mission. Witness her. . .

Rose's Story

Struggling with drug addiction for most of her life, Rose found herself alone and suicidal. . .

Senora's Story

At the age of eight, Senora watched as her father was stabbed to death. . .

Ryan's Story

Ryan was bullied in grade school and was soon filled with anger. When he got to high school. . .

Taiwan's Story

Taiwan grew up in a household where drug dealing, pimping, and robbery were the norm. . .

Micheal's Story

At the tender age of fourteen Michael was introduced to the world of violent gangs. . .

Monica's Story

As a child, Monica’s mother let her drink wine and smoke pot. By the time she was. . .

Sarah's Story

Despite being saved at fourteen, Sarah didn’t know what it really meant to be a fully-functioning. . .