Pacific Garden Mission Ep 321 The Commandments

Derrick and Tony share their stories of what led them to PGM for help. Pastor Phil preaches about God’s commandments and what they mean to us.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 320 The New Covenant

Both Dwayne and Ricky struggled with drug addiction which led them to being homeless. They share their story of what led them to PGM and how God has helped them change.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 319 Criticism

Jeff and Eddie both found themselves homeless and came to PGM for help. They share their stories of how PGM has helped them. Pastor Phil teaches about how to deal with criticism in a healthy way.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 318 A Reason To Be Thankful

Jamie and Lonin share their stories of struggling with drug addiction and what led them to PGM for help. Pastor Phil teaches about gratitude.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 317 God’s Guidance

Kate was abused by her father as a child and it led to a life of anger and bad choices. Watch two testimonies of people followed by a Gospel sermon from Pastor Phil with Moses.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 316 Forgetting The Pain

Two men share their stories of what led them through the doors of Pacific Garden Mission for help and how Jesus helped them to overcome their strongholds. Pastor Phil teaches from Exodus about the Passover and how it applies to us today.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 315 The Passover

Two men share their stories of what led them through the doors of Pacific Garden Mission for help and how Jesus helped them to overcome their strongholds. Pastor Phil teaches from Exodus about the Passover and how it applies to us today.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 314 Reprobate Mind

A young woman shares her story of growing up in a dysfunctional family and the road it led her down making her own self-destructive decisions until she started following Christ. Pastor Phil teaches about what it means to have a reprobate mind and the dangers it brings.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, …


Pacific Garden Mission Ep 313 Why Can’t I Change?

Rose and Nick share their stories of how God has worked in their lives since coming to PGM for help. Pastor Phil teaches about the strongholds that hold us in the bondage of sin and struggle and how we can begin life anew in Jesus Christ.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 312 False Repentance

Daniel searched the world for meaning, trying to fill a void he felt within him. He shares his story of how he came to give his life over to God. Pastor Phil teaches about the difference between genuine repentance and just a temporary change.   PGM TV episodes are also available on DVD. To request a copy, please contact us …