Pacific Garden Mission Ep 003 Have We Lost Our Way?

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 003 Have We Lost Our Way?

Through a sermon from the Book of James Chapter 2, we take a look at how Christians are to treat others and the importance of not being a respecter of persons. Testimony Topics: Abandonment, Gangs, Anger, Foster Care, Distrust, Drug Abuse. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 002 Look in the Mirror

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 002 Look in the Mirror

Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski teaches from the Book of James about the importance of taking the time to reflect on who we truly are and comparing our standards to those found in the Bible. Learn why we should be quick to hear the heart-piercing and soul-saving Word of God. Testimony Topics: Abuse, Fitting In, Drug Addiction, Homelessness. PGM TV episodes are …