Pacific Garden Mission Ep 125 Luke: Seeing the Big Picture

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 125 Luke: Seeing the Big Picture

Beginning a sermon series in the Gospel Of Luke Pastor Phil preaches about faith, the Word of God, and seeing our lives through a spiritual perspective. Testimony Topics: Broken Family, Abuse, Drug addiction, Immigrant PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 124 Meekness

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 124 Meekness

Pastor Phil talks about meekness and how it is not weakness but power under control. Testimony Topics: Abuse, Addiction, Homeless, Long-Term Transformation PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 123 The Bible: Our Sword

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 123 The Bible: Our Sword

Continuing in Nehemiah, Pastor Phil explains how we are fighting a spiritual battle and how our weapon, God’s Word, is our spiritual weapon. Testimony Topics: Prison, gangs, Heroin, Homelessness PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 122 Facing Opposition

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 122 Facing Opposition

Pastor Phil continues his series in the book of Nehemiah, teaching about facing opposition. Testimony Topics: Long-Term Sobriety, Addiction, Brokenness. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 121 Planning for Eternity

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 121 Planning for Eternity

Continuing his series from the book of Nehemiah Pastor Phil teaches about the importance of recognizing our individual weaknesses and building walls to protect ourselves from those weaknesses. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 120 Keeping a Vertical Perspective

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 120 Keeping a Vertical Perspective

Two amazing testimonies of men that completely changed their lives after receiving Jesus Christ into their hearts. Pastor Phil teaches about hope, the importance of silence, and the need for us to keep a vertical perspective in life. Testimony Topics: Death of a loved one, Broken Family, Addiction, Salvation PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 119 Trusting God

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 119 Trusting God

Three testimonies of people who were afflicted with angry or saddened hearts but found relief and forgiveness after turning it over to God. Pastor Phil teaches a sermon about trusting God and what that means. Testimony Topics: Anger, Grief, Broken Heart PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 118 We Need Prayer

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 118 We Need Prayer

Pastor Phil teaches about the power and importance of prayer. Testimony Topics: Overcoming Drug Addiction PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 117 Slander

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 117 Slander

How should a Christian react when confronted with slander? Pastor Phil teaches from an 1 Samuel chapter 22 of an account when David was confronted with unwarranted slander. Testimony Topics: Backsliding, Depression, Homelessness, Failure PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 116 The Stain of Sin

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 116 The Stain of Sin

Escaping our past can sometimes be impossible to do on our own. The stain of our sin, no matter what we do, can only be completely cleansed by Jesus Christ. Pastor Phil teaches about King David and how he was haunted by his past and how God helped him become free. Testimony Topics: Drug Addiction, Seeking God’s help, loss of …