Two women share their testimonies about the struggles of growing up in abusive and broken families which led them down a road of addiction and pain. Pastor Phil continues his series from the Gospel of Luke chapter 10. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 144 Doing Something Different
Watch two powerful testimonies from a man and a woman whose lives have been changed through Jesus Christ. Pastor Phil continues his series in Luke and teaches about the importance of taking stock of our lives and questioning what things we should be doing differently. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 143 The way, the truth, and the life
Hear from two men who have been pastoring at Pacific Garden Mission for years and have also gone through our Men’s Bible Program. They have gone from being homeless and lost to now having a completely new and transformed life. Pastor Phil continues his series from Luke chapter 9. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 142 Jesus feeds the 5,000
Pastor Phil teaches from Luke 9 about the miracle of Jesus feeding the thousands with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. One of the only miracles found in all four Gospels; learn the importance of this event and how it matters to us. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 141 Turning to Jesus
Two young men share their testimonies of how they were delivered from pain and rebellion through the power of Jesus Christ. Pastor Phil teaches from Luke Chapter 8 and shares how Jesus’s healing power is waiting for us to turn to Him. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 140 Legion
Many times today when people face problems we look for answers everywhere around us but some of the problems might not be physical but are spiritual. Using the story of the naked crazy man called legion, Pastor Phil teaches about the healing power of Jesus Christ. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 139 Peace within the Storm
When Jesus’s disciples were caught up in the storm on the sea of Galilee they feared for their lives as Jesus slept. It wasn’t until they approached Jesus for help that the storm was calmed. Pastor Phil shares how many times it is us that need to wake up and approach God for help. Testimony topics: Homelessness, Deliverance, Freedom from …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 138 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear
Two men who evangelize here at Pacific Garden Mission share their stories of redemption. Continuing his series in the Gospel of Luke Pastor Phil teaches about the parable of the sower and what Jesus meant when he said to his disciples, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 137 Thy Sins Are Forgiven
Watch two testimonies of men who had been lost in addiction for decades only to be freed through the power of Jesus Christ. Using the account of the lady who washed Jesus’s feet with her hair Pastor Phil continues his sermon series from the Gospel of Luke. What does it mean to be forgiven by God? PGM TV episodes are …
Pacific Garden Mission Ep 136 God Knows What He is Doing
Watch two testimonies of men who, despite having completely different backgrounds, came to find Jesus Christ as the answer to their emptiness. Pastor Phil teaches, using Biblical accounts, about how God knows what he is doing, and if we truly understood that we would have more peace. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact …