Pacific Garden Mission Ep 234 Get Back to Bethel

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 234 Get Back to Bethel

In Genesis 34/35, Pastor Phil teaches on how Jacob returned to Bethel (the house of God ) in the midst of his family struggles. Afraid and homeless on the streets, John found hope, again, in the Lord through the kindness of a stranger. Here at PGM, God continues to reveal his endless love and goodness towards John, restoring purpose and …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 233 Nimrod and the Tower of Babel

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 233 Nimrod and the Tower of Babel

In Genesis 10/11, Pastor Phil teaches on the story of Nimrod, demonstrating how man’s continued rebellion against the Lord only lead them to confusion and slavery. Judy’s testimony reveals God’s love for her and His liberating power. Through PGM, God has done a wonderful work in Judy’s life, saving her and giving her a new life with Him. In Carol’s …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 232 God Preserves the Righteous

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 232 God Preserves the Righteous

In Genesis 6:8, Pastor Phil teaches how God protects and cares for His people in times of trouble. Through God’s grace and power, Martin’s life has been restored from homelessness, demonstrating the words of 2 Corinthians 5:17, that he is now a new creature in Christ. Ian shares his struggles of addiction and suicidal thoughts, leading him to cry out …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 231 What Will Your Legacy Be?

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 231 What Will Your Legacy Be?

Pastor Phil continues to teach through Genesis, speaking on Abraham’s death & the legacy he left to his sons, referenced in Genesis 25. Angel testifies how God healed him from an abusive lifestyle and set him free through the power of Christ’s redemptive work in his life. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 230 Making Decisions Within God’s Will

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 230 Making Decisions Within God's Will

Decisions can change our lives, for the good or the better. In God’s Word, we can discover where peace and safety really is – in a relationship with Jesus. Pastor Phil teaches on Genesis 24, referencing how Abraham’s choices impacted his life. Dustin shares how God is healing him from his painful past and doing a restoration work in his …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 229 Godly Obedience

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 229 Godly Obedience

Do you know the Great Shepherd? Abraham obeyed God’s testing involving his son, Isaac. In this episode, Pastor Phil shares how our enduring relationship with God can make all the difference. Keyonnie testifies how God has delivered her from a life of pain. Through, God’s Word and love, Keyonnie is no longer bound to her past and is set free …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 228 Understanding Prayer

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 228 Understanding Prayer

Pastor Phil teaches on Genesis 18 how prayer is personal and meaningful. Pray without ceasing. God never gives up on you!! The life of Abraham demonstrates this as he intercedes for his nephew Lot, and for the entire city of Sodom. Bill speaks on God’s blessing and transformative power throughout his life. David shares how, in spite of an abusive …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 227 As in the days of Noah

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 227 As in the days of Noah

Pastor Phil speaks on the signs of Christ’s return referenced in Matthew 24, as he continues to teach on Genesis 6 and God’s judgment on the earth. Troy tells how God has restored a relationship with him, allowing him to begin to heal from an abusive lifestyle and demonstrating how Christ transforms our lives. Craig testifies that God never gives …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 226 The Power of Our Choices

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 226 The Power of Our Choices

God can make the difference and can shine through any circumstance! God gives His love freely to everyone. Pastor Phil teaches on this through the story of Lot (Genesis 13), and how the choices we make affect the outcome of our lives. Chris shows in his story of God’s blessing in his life. In turn, throughout COVID-19, Chris has been …