Pacific Garden Mission Ep 245 A Hardened Heart

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 245 A Hardened Heart

PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 244 Wisdom and Folly

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 244 Wisdom and Folly

PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 243 The Holy Temple

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 243 The Holy Temple

PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact us today! See all past episodes of PGM TV. Help transform more lives by giving to Pacific Garden Mission today.

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 238 The Life of Joseph PT 4/ God is in Control

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 238 The Life of Joseph PT 4/ God is in Control

In part 4 of our series of Joseph, Pastor Phil teaches on how even though Joseph was forgotten and left alone; tangible benefits in the future came forth from Joseph’s trials, as he was God tried him. Marisol, a single mother, was seeking shelter and God lead her to PGM where her physical and spiritual needs have been met. She …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 237 The Life of Joseph PT 3/ Finding victory while bound in prison

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 237 The Life of Joseph PT 3/ Finding victory while bound in prison

In part 3 of our series on Joseph, Pastor Phil teaches on anger and bitterness and how God was with Joseph during his time in prison, referenced in Genesis 39:20. Craiesasha shares her testimony on God’s love and grace which delivered her from suicidal thoughts leading her into a relationship with Christ. Through counseling at PGM, Craiesasha continues to rebuild …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 236 The Life of Joseph PT 2/ Temptation starts in the mind

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 236 The Life of Joseph PT 2/ Temptation starts in the mind

In part 2 of the series of the life of Joseph, Pastor Phil teaches how despite tremendous struggles and temptations Joseph remained faithful to God. Phil shares his story of a broken background that lead him to drug abuse and addiction. Through it all, God’s love shone through, demonstrating His power to Phil by delivering him from his addictions and …