Pacific Garden Mission Ep 288 The Divinity of Christ pt. 1

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 288 The Divinity of Christ pt. 1

Through all of the recent stories from the ministry of Jesus—the blind man who was given sight, the Samaritan woman, the crippled man by the Pool of Bethesda—there has been a common theme being built up, a common question being raised: Who is the man Jesus of Nazareth? Similarly, there is one answer: Jesus is who he said he is! …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 287 Rest for your soul

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 287 Rest for your soul

One important aspect of Jesus’ ministry begins to come into focus through the lives of the people he interacted with: Jesus is the rest that we seek. The crippled man was tired of being downtrodden, the Samaritan woman was tired of running from man to man, tired of hypocrisy. Christ offers you what we all see: Rest For Your Soul. …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 286 Will You Be Made Whole?

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 286 Will You Be Made Whole?

Today, Pastor Phil asks of us the same question that Jesus asked of the crippled man by the pool of Bethesda: Will you be made whole? It underscores God as the one who makes us whole, if only we would believe the words of Jesus. Cory just wants to live. Years of drug abuse and bad influences have kept him …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 285 The Samaritan Woman pt. 2

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 285 The Samaritan Woman pt. 2

Pastor Phil dives a layer deeper into the story of the Samaritan woman that Jesus meets at the well and the significance of who she is, what is her past, the message that He relays to her, and what it means for the people of Samaria. Hint: It applies to you and me today! André grew up fatherless and hungry …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 284 The Samaritan Woman pt. 1

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 284 The Samaritan Woman pt. 1

Rumbi shares her testimony of salvation and her trip from Africa to the USA where she now ministers at PGM. Pastor Phil preaches the first part in a series about the Samaritan Woman. PGM has continued to operate since 1877 through generous support from people like you. PGM TV episodes are also available by DVD. To request a copy, please contact …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 283 John 3:16

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 283 John 3:16

We pray you are filled with hope as we cross the threshold into 2022. Today Pastor Phil examines the meaning and significance of God’s love in John 3:16. God’s love is unconditional. God’s love is sacrificial. God’s love has done its work on the earth through Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection. Will you accept him as your Savior today? …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 282 Jesus: God’s Gift to Man

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 282 Jesus: God's Gift to Man

Merry Christmas to all of PGM’s friends! Today, Pastor Phil takes us on a survey tour through the Bible, answering the question of just who is this baby born in a manger? Who did the prophets say he was? Who did he say he was? What does that mean? Join us as we celebrate the first advent of our Lord …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 281 You Must Be Born Again (John 3)

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 281 You Must Be Born Again (John 3)

Pastor Phil’s sermon this time is on one of Jesus’s most known interactions in the gospels. Today we revisit the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus in John 3, in which we see just a glimpse into the divine and the importance of being born again. It is the context behind Jesus’s statement in verse 16: For God so loved the …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 280 Who Do Men Say That I Am? (John 9)

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 280 Who Do Men Say That I Am? (John 9)

Jesus famously asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” He’s never shied away from his divine identity, but often rhetorically guides those around him to the undeniable conclusion that he is the Son of God. Though the Pharisees were reluctant to accept it, pastor Phil homes in on the blind man’s reaction once he comes to the …

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 279 The Power of a Testimony (John 9)

Pacific Garden Mission Ep 279 The Power of a Testimony (John 9)

As we move through the story of the blind man of John 9, we focus now on why his story is so powerful. When he presents himself to the Pharisees for interrogation, he faces their opposition, gaslighting, and discrediting. Our testimonies are powerful because to stand up to that opposition, we don’t have to be legal experts or master logicians …