President's Message
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
A question often asked is what happens to our graduates once they leave? We have a committed Career Development department that is intent on obtaining housing and employment for our program graduates. The apostle Paul says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” One of my greatest joys is seeing graduates who are serving the Lord and gainfully employed.
Recently, a man named Emmit stopped by for a visit. He’d come to the Mission years ago out of prison looking for direction. He sat in my office telling me about his job with the CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) while testifying of the grace of God. His wife, who was in our Drug Program a few years ago, also received a new job and was thrilled. During that same week, I saw a woman named Tracy who had struggled with alcohol for many years but found freedom through Christ in our program. Now that she has graduated, she has found employment at the University of Chicago Hospital and has been spending time with her family. This was especially touching as I spoke to her in her medical outfit, remembering her condition two years ago.
Another graduate by the name of David Lewis, who was told by his wife to get out and not come back, found Jesus at PGM. After he graduated from our program he was hired on security, and his wife noticed a difference. One day, she called and said the words he was longing to hear: come home. Now, he has been hired by the Capitol Police in D.C.
I Praise the Lord for these stories and so many more. Real change comes not from behavior modification but from spiritual transformation, and that is what PGM is all about. Thank you for your prayers and support.
During this time of Thanksgiving, we want to share our gratitude with all the people who support us financially, through prayer, and by volunteering. Our numbers continue to rise, and we have peace of mind knowing that we are serving the Lord as a family of believers, reaching the lost with the love of Jesus Christ. We couldn’t do this alone.
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